Plaster & masonry
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Plaster & masonry
Plastering is our speciality! Novo has years of experience in plastering, so we work with the best subcontractors to deliver good, solid, professional results. Plastered surfaces can be painted or covered in wallpaper once they’re done.
We can also handle ornamental plasterwork, no problem!
Plastering generally involves building walls made from foamed concrete blocks (Ytong, Gibo, etc.) or metal stud partitions, which are then plastered and painted or wallpapered.
Cost calculator
Check out our cost calculator to get an indication of what it would cost you!
Visit our Advice from an architect page for more information on whether you might want to work with an architect on your project.

Novo has already completed over 1000 projects for satisfied customers. Their success stories include a wide variety of projects, from luxurious villas to city apartments. The projects vary from a simple bathroom installation to complete remodeling of new buildings, as well as the finishing touches on newly built homes. We also serve the business market, doing projects for hotels, guest houses, offices and stores. Our clientele is equally wide-ranging; we work for lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, business professionals, marketing experts, sales managers, etc. The client references provided on at the bottom of our ad are also worth checking out! Glowing references for our unique approach are also provided on the TROS RADAR FORUM.