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Interior design

Interior design and renovation

Are they related? Does one take the lead while the other follows? Or is it a playful interaction between the two? The answer is: it depends. Sometimes the building itself takes the lead, for example in listed historic buildings, while other projects are clearly defined by the interior design, which is trying to evoke a concept and compels the renovation to make appropriate preparations to bring it out. For example, if you want to use clay stucco to evoke a certain style and atmosphere, or if you want to create certain corners, nooks or bay windows, or simply by your choice of paint colour or flooring (wood, poured floor, thick carpet, etc.).

When you’re designing your own renovation, you work out all the aspects of your new home ahead of time, right down to the finer details of the interior – because you won’t know exactly how you want your renovation to go until you’ve decided exactly how you want your interior to look, and exactly where each piece of furniture or appliance will be placed in each room in the house (or hotel, office, etc.). There’s almost no way to anticipate all the aspects ahead of time, but the farther you get, the more useful your design will be. The hardest part now is coming up with a fresh, new idea. It’s always easy to fall back on your old, familiar patterns, but if you really want something new and fresh, you’ll need to find a way to break out of that context – and that’s not easy. The only thing that helps is seeking fresh inspiration: soaking up inspiring ideas, letting them percolate for a while, and then diving back in. Sometimes it takes years to figure out exactly what you want. Obviously, home decoration magazines often provide great inspiration. Still, just reading the same magazine over and over won’t get you very far. Browsing through a range of magazines with an open mind, even the styles that you don’t like as much or consider too extreme for your tastes, will let you discover little gems that do suit your style. You may also want to take a closer look at the latest trends in fashion, architecture, cinema, etc.

There’s lots of websites with fun ideas; here’s a few suggestions:


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